Cataract lens insertion, if you are uncomfortable with blurred vision
The whole vision of the year, and the overall vision of the whole vision of the year, and the near distance was especially blurry.When the near distance is blank, I could doubt the progress of the progress of the long distance.When there was no glasses, I had to wear glasses, but I saw many people who had to wear glasses, and they had to avoid the other people.The crystal body is responsible for adjusting the focus on the focus on the near the near future, but when I saw the depth of the crystal body, and the dark distance.However, it is not only a long time, but it is not only possible to see the cataract, but it is possible to be caused by cataract.
Cataracts are a condition in which the transparent lens organ turns grayish-white, and when refracting light passes through the cloudy lens and scatters, it is impossible to connect an accurate image to a single retina.Cataracts are well known as senile eye diseases, so I often thought that young people don’t have to worry. The cause can be divided into two categories: congenital and acquired, and in the case of congenital, genetic effects were considerable, leading to chromosomal abnormalities, congenital metabolic disorders, maternal rubella infection, or incorrect medication. Acquired causes including aging include eye trauma, drug misuse, diabetes, overexposure to sunlight, smoking, malnutrition, inflammation in the eyes, and systemic diseases. Therefore, some familiarity with cataract lens insertion was needed.
The lens was cloudy and the symptoms of the lens was blurry.However, the symptoms are not a little different from progress, but it was slightly different from the symptoms of the early time, but the symptoms of the light of the light of the light.In the middle of cataract, the middle of the cataract, but the object is a single eye complexity, but the object is a single eye complexity that is seen as a double-sided state.In normal-term, the middle-term, it was focused on making the early progress in order to suppress the progress of progress.In addition, there were symptoms such as a blind phenomenon, color distortion, color distortion, and short-sightedness.The cataract is increasingly progressed, so it was only a difference between initial and initial and initial symptoms were not different.As the time passes, the crystal body is cured, but the crystal body was still getting worse, but the crystal body was suddenly changed.
To proceed with the insertion of cataract lens, the conventional turbulence lens must remove the conventional crystal body, but it must remove the lens.In order to remove the turbulence, it was originally performed.Recently, we can proceed with various equipment, while using various equipment.The equipment used in Ota-Nomori, the equipment used to scan the entire eye, and the X-ray plug camera is performed while scanning the whole eye image.Consequently, the inside tissue can be reproduced in the eye, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt, and the.If the center of the center is equipped with the proper eye pressure, the pain reduction in pain reduction in the case of the accuracy of the operation time.
After removing the cloudy lens, I was able to perform the desired cataract lens insertion. The type of artificial lens inserted into the eye can be divided into single focus and multifocal, and while single focus has the effect of showing only one place, multifocal has various focal points, so presbyopia after insertion was not required.Multifocal cataract lens insertion was very helpful in effectively solving presbyopia and cataracts. There are several types of multifocal, so it would have been better to see what advantages each type has and proceed customized. In addition to the types that mainly focus on short and long distances, there are also types that can solve short, medium, and long-range vision correction and astigmatism, so more detailed confirmation was needed.
Cataracts can be difficult to recover if left unattended for a long time, so it is better to check eye conditions regularly when you get older so that you can detect them in the early stages, and drugs could be used to prevent rapid progress. However, as recovery is impossible without cataract lens insertion, it would have been better to systematically plan surgery early on.
Cataracts can be difficult to recover if left unattended for a long time, so it is better to check eye conditions regularly when you get older so that you can detect them in the early stages, and drugs could be used to prevent rapid progress. However, as recovery is impossible without cataract lens insertion, it would have been better to systematically plan surgery early on.
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