How do I obtain a national technical qualification for additional points for civil servants in Grade 9?

We will strive to improve competition in many ways to improve competition in various ways.One of the number of usefulness through qualification, but especially industrial engineer qualification is one of the 9 class official qualification is one of the 9 class official.Industrial Engineers qualification is a qualification of the technical talent for specific technology and expertise.The qualification certification of the 9 class shall be a qualification certification that the applicable duties.For example, if you have qualified certificate or knowledge of technology or knowledge of technology or knowledge of the technical professional job, agricultural jobs, and machinery jobs, etc.The exact ratio of addition points are different from each local governments and jobs can be confirmed through each publication.Generally, industrial engineers are said that the qualification of industrial engineers are said.However, studying this qualification is also studying for the qualification, but the associated with the degree of associated department.If the condition is not met, you can create a test qualification through the system as a unit bank system.Describes how to obtain nine-class public servants add points.1. How do I get additional points for civil servants in Grade 9?To prepare for the examination, the following requirements are required.1) If you don’t have any items to meet among your branches that have completed 41 credits of “Unit Banking System,” you have to invest in your studies for at least two years to take the certificate test.If there are no conditions that meet the above conditions, you can make a qualification and take the test in a short period of time through the credit banking system. What is the credit banking system?41 credits?The way you face it for the first time will bring up some ambiguity.I will tell you more about how to prepare for the short-term qualification examination using the credit banking system soon.2. Prepare additional points for 9th-grade civil servants online!If there is no qualification, you can create a qualification for a short period of time through the bank system.The Bank system is a lifetime education system that is graduate school, if you graduated from high school, if you graduated from high school.It is a good idea to obtain the same education as a college, so that you can take a free class of classified classes through Internet.The period of 14 days, so you can’t go to attend lecture without relationship, so you can proceed with time.The class fee part of class is more than one of the general universities, and you can get to graduate school engineers, and graduate students, and graduate students can’t be able to get into the industry engineer!The main point of this is that you will be able to obtain a qualification in a short period of time.This allows you to receive credits by listening to consistent scheduled classes, but you can obtain credits quickly by taking them in other ways without setting a specified date and time. acquisition of credit replacement qualificationsIf you prepare the qualifications specified by the unit banking system, you can obtain additional credits that meet this requirement. substitution of transfer unitsIf you are a junior college student or have dropped out of school, you can replace it with the credits you get from all schools. self-study degree certificationOnly subjects that pass and pass the university-only certification examination conducted by the National Institute of Lifelong Education can be reflected as credits.If you go through the above route, you can quickly get a score and create a test qualification.3. How long do you prepare for the industrial engineer’s certificate?If you need to prepare the examination qualification, it is recognized as a classification certificate, if you can go through the first semester, if you have to go through the first semester.The first semester is given to finish 15 weeks, and you will receive qualifications for testing, and you will be qualified for testing.In the case of personal personal personal personal life patterns and various conditions, it is the most important time, and the best time to adjust the course of the course of the course of the course of the course.Through more than a bank system, I learned about the route to prepare for the 9 classification test conditions in one semester.It’s a part of the first time, so I think that we need to promote how to promote how to promote the promotion of the first time.It is important to find out that you can find out the order to find education courses and money and money to prepare education courses in the most economic period and amount of economic periods and money!Learning teachers are cooperative measures to develop the most productive measures to develop the most productive measures to progress in the general universities of the students’ requirements.Also, the manager of the manager of the bank program that you prepare for more information and help.If you don’t pay more than paying additional costs, please ask for more details, please listen to the details of the 9 class public servants, please listen to the following banner.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image